الاسم : رواية أنت لي – الجزئين
تاريخ النشر : 2007
عن الرواية : هذا الحب شب بين طفلة وطفل، وبقي فيهما رغم البعد، وحين غدت الطفلة أنثى والطفل رجل، قست عليهما الظروف أكثر، فوليد سُجن لسنوات عديدة، وما إن يعود حتى يرى ابنة عمه رغد مخطوبة لأخيه سامر
في كل محطة من محطات حياة رغد ووليد كانا يفترقان، وما يلبثا إلى أن يعودا لبعضهما، ثم ينفصلان من جديد، إلا وأنهما في المحطة الأخيرة التقيا معاً وإلى الأبد
عن الكاتب : منى المرشود هي كاتبة سعودية، وكانت قد بدأت الكتابة سنة 2001، اشتهرت بتأليفها الرواية الضخمة أنت لي في جزئيه الأول والثاني، والذي تجاوزت عدد صفحاته الالف صفحة
Name : You Are Mine Novel – Two Parts
Author : Muna Al Marshod
Publishing Date : 2007
Genre : Romance
Pages Number : 1607
About The Novel : This love broke out between a girl and a child, and he remained in them despite the distance, and when the child became a female and the child became a man, circumstances made them more difficult, so Walid was imprisoned for many years, and as soon as he returned, he saw his cousin Raghad engaged to his brother Samer
At each of the stations of Raghad and Walid’s life they were separated, and soon after they returned to each other, then separated again, except that in the last station they met together and forever
About The Writer : Mona Al-Marshoud is a Saudi writer, and she started writing in 2001. She is best known for authoring the huge novel, You Are Mine in its first and second parts, which exceeded 1000 pages.
Subject : The events of the novel spanned over a period of more than 15 years, as safety was gone, war resolved, then war passed, and safety returned again. The story revolves around an orphan girl named Raghad, who moved to live in her uncle’s house since she was three years old, and there she is accompanied and cared for by her cousin, Walid, and they cling to each other from the moment she stuttered with her mouth, so she mixed up the letters of his name saying that you are mine, instead of You are Walid. She did not know that she really had it with that phrase