الاسم : كتاب سواح في دنيا الله
تاريخ النشر : 2000
عن الكتاب : الناس يفهمون الدين على أنه مجموعة الأوامر والنواهي ولوائح العقاب وحدود الحرام والحلال، وكلها من شؤون الدنيا.. وأما الدين فشيء آخر أعمق وأشمل وأبعد. الدين في حقيقته هو الحب القديم الذي جئنا به إلى الدنيا والحنين الدائم الذي يملأ شغاف قلوبنا إلى الوطن الأصل الذي جئنا منه، والعطش الروحي إلى النبع الذي صدرنا عنه والذي يملأ كل جارحة من جوارحنا شوقاً وحنيناً، وهو حنين تحطمه غواشي الدنيا وشواغلها وشهواتها. ولا نفيق على هذا الحنين إلا لحظة يحيطنا القبح والظلم والعبث والفوضى والاضطراب في هذا العالم فنشعر أننا غرباء عنه، وأننا لسنا منه وإنما مجرد زوار وعابري طريق ولحظتها تهفو إلى ذلك الوطن الأصل الذي جئنا به ونرفع رؤوسنا في شوق وتلقائية إلى السماء، وتهمس كل جارحة فينا.. يا الله. هكذا هو حديث مصطفى محمود، من خلال تلك المقالات التي هي بوح القلوب
الموضوع : كتاب سواح في دنيا الله للدكتور مصطفى محمود وهو كتاب جامع لعدة مقالات مهمة وإن كان فيها تكرار لبعض الأفكار؛ ولكن يجب على كل قارئ الإلمام بها والتعلم منها على قدر الإمكان. من هذه المقالات ما هو روحي، ومنها ما هو سياسي؛ الكتاب يوضح أن الدين ليس مجموعة الأوامر والنواهي لأنها كلها من شأن الدنيا وإنما وضعت لإقامة العدل على الأرض، إنما الدين شيء آخر، إنه الحب الحقيقي الذي جئنا به إلى الدنيا، والحنين الدائم إلى الوطن الأصل؛ وحب الله وحب ما صنع وما خلق هو جوهر كل الديانات الحقة. إن حقيقة الإنسان ليست في شكله ومظهره إنما في الجانب الغيبي الذي خفي عنا، إنها تتمثل في النفس، وهناك النفس الطيبة والنفس الخبيثة؛ ونحن نرى الآن المسلمين في حالة قهر في مختلف أنحاء العالم وتراجع أمام الدول العظمى التي تحكم العالم بقبضة من حديد، وتحكم بما يحقق مصالحها الشيطانية، ولذلك فعلى المسلمين أن يفيقوا من هذا السبات وأن يتسلحوا بكل أنواع الأسلحة السياسية والاقتصادية والعسكرية والفكرية والروحية
Name : Tourists In God’s World Book
Author : Dr.Mustafa Mahmoud
Publishing Date : 2000
Genre : Spiritual
Pages Number : 191
About The Book : People who understand religion as the set of orders, prohibitions, punishment regulations, the limits of the forbidden and the unlawful, all of which are matters of the world .. As for religion, something else is deeper, more comprehensive, and further. Religion, in fact, is the old love that we brought to the world and the enduring nostalgia that fills the hearts of our hearts to the original homeland from which we came, and the spiritual thirst for the source that we came from and which fills all of our prejudices with longing and nostalgia, and it is a nostalgia that is broken by the world’s gossip and its concerns and desires. We wake up to this nostalgia except for a moment surrounded by ugliness, injustice, tampering, chaos and turmoil in this world, so we feel that we are strangers to it, and that we are not from it, but rather visitors and passersby and its moment descends to that original country that we came with and raises our heads in longing and spontaneity to the sky, whispering to every wounded in us .. O God. This is the speech of Mustafa Mahmoud, through these articles that are a revelation of hearts
About The Writer : Mostafa Mahmoud (December 27, 1921 – October 31, 2009), Egyptian philosopher, physician, and writer. He is Mustafa Kemal Mahmoud Hussein Al Mahfouz, from Al-Ashraf and ends with his lineage to Ali Zain Al-Abidin. His father died in 1939 after years of paralysis, he studied medicine and graduated in 1953 and specialized in chest diseases, but he devoted himself to writing and research in 1960. He married in 1961 and the marriage ended in divorce in 1973. Two children, Amal and Adham, were born. He remarried in 1983 to Mrs. Zainab Hamdi, and this marriage also ended in divorce in 1987
He wrote 89 books, including scientific, religious, philosophical, social and political books, in addition to tales, plays and excursions, and his style is attractive with depth and simplicity.
Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud presented more than 400 episodes of his famous TV program (Science and Faith), and in 1979 he established his mosque in Cairo, known as the “Mustafa Mahmoud Mosque”. He is affiliated with three medical centers that are concerned with the treatment of people with low incomes, and many Egyptians go to because of their medical reputation, and he formed convoys of mercy from sixteen doctors, and the center includes four astronomical observatories and a museum of geology, on which specialized professors depend. The museum includes a group of granite rocks, butterflies stuffed with various forms and some marine creatures, and the correct name of the mosque is “Mahmoud” and he called it the name of his father
Subject : Tourists In God’s World is a book by Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud, which is a comprehensive book for several important articles, even if there are repetitions of some ideas; Some of these articles are spiritual, and some are political. The book explains that religion is not a set of orders and prohibitions because it is all of the affairs of the world, but rather was established to establish justice on the ground, but religion is another thing, it is the true love that we brought to the world, and the constant nostalgia for the homeland The origin; the love of God, the love of what was made and what was created is the essence of all true religions. The truth of a person is not in its form and appearance, but on the metaphysical side that is hidden from us, it is the soul, and there is a good soul and a malicious soul; and we now see Muslims in a state of oppression in various parts of the world and retreat before the great powers that rule the world with an iron fist, and control what Achieve its diabolical interests, and therefore Muslims must wake up from this hibernation and arm themselves with all kinds of political, economic, military, intellectual and spiritual weapons