الاسم : كتاب أغنى رجل في بابل
المؤلف : جورج كلاسون
تاريخ النشر : 1926
عن الكتاب : الكتاب عبارة عن مجموعة من الإرشادات المصاغة بداخل قصص صغيرة رائعة تكسبك خطوات محكمة فتبلغك بأنه يجب عليك أولاً التحكم في نفقاتك وتكوين أول قواعد ثروتك ، وكيف تبدأ في الأستثمار بهذه الأموال البسيطة ، وكيف توجه هذه العملات البسيطة في إستثمارات ناجحة ، كما يتطرق الكاتب لجزئيات تهم الطامحون ببناء ثروات من الصفر ، وكيف تكون ثروتك واستثماراتك هي ما تنفق عليك في المستقبل ، و تعمل كخط أمان لك عند الكبر ، كما يشير لك على من يستحق الاقتراض من الذي تضيع ثروتك حين تقرضه
Name : The Richest Man in Babylon Book
Author : George Clason
Publishing Date : 1926
Genre : Self-Improvement , Financial Independence
Pages Number : 160
About The Book : The book is a set of guidelines formulated within wonderful small stories that give you tight steps, informing you that you must first control your expenses and form the first rules of your wealth, and how you start investing in these simple funds, and how these simple currencies are directed in successful investments, as the writer addresses particles of interest to the aspirants By building fortunes from scratch, and how your wealth and investments are what you spend in the future, and it works as a safety line for you when you grow old, it also indicates to you who deserves to borrow from who wastes your wealth when you loan it
About The Writer : George Samuel Clason was born in Louisiana, Missouri, and died in Napa, California. During his 82 years he worked as a soldier, writer, and businessman. Classon served in the U.S. Ground Forces during the Spanish – American War
Subject : It is a book by American businessman George Samuel Clason published in 1926, the book gives financial advice to a group of people who lived in the ancient city of Babylon ,The book is concerned with personal financial development in the form of a narration of several short stories whose ultimate goal is to become aware of how to establish your wealth based on several real and documented studies