الاسم : رواية المتمغنطون
تاريخ النشر : 2018
عن الرواية : ويحكم ! كنت أظنّ أننا متمغنطون زُجّ بنا من بغداد المأمون إلى عصركم هذ!؛ ولكنني اكتشفت أنكم مغيَّبون مقولَبون مؤدلَجون مبرمَجون.. متمغنطون أكثر مني ومن جحا وأشعب!
لذا قررتُ أن أستلّ ناقِري وناقُوري وأكتب قصتي هذه لك أنت! علّها تعينك على الاعتراف بأنك لست سوى متمغنطٍ آخر
Name : The Magnetized People Novel
Author : Ibraheem Abbas
Publishing Date : 2018
Genre : Humor
Pages Number : 336
About The Novel : Be careful! I thought that we were magnetized, pushed us from Baghdad, Al-Mamun, to your time! But I discovered that you are mocked, mocked, programmed … and more magnetized than me, Juha and the people!
So I decided to draw my hug and shame and write this my story for you! Perhaps it will help you to admit that you are nothing but another magnet
Subject : Magnetism is the blind admission of prevailing convictions, prevailing taste, and prevailing lickiness, without intellectual independence, mental freedom, mental decency and logical neutrality. How many times have I suddenly woken up and cursed the ideas that were wrapped and forged with the rest of the herd? “Without love, we are just dead, mumbling, meditating on the margins of this life.” “The human brain can accommodate the whole world, but several accumulated worlds superimposed.” “Do you deny that you are all heedless? Magnetized by the narrators, the media, and the illusions merchants? …. And he judge! I thought that we were magnetized and sent from Baghdad to the safe of your time! It helps you to admit that you are nothing but another magnet. Al-Jahiz Abu Othman Amr bin Bahr Al-Kinani “Life is nothing but a blind dance … between love and death!