الاسم : رواية المخبول
تاريخ النشر : 1963
عن الرواية : يصعب علينا ونحن نقرأ «المخبول، ألا نستحضر قصة الصبي الوديع زيزا في «شجرتي شجرة البرتقال الرائعة» و«هيا توقظ الشمس»، وألا تتورط في التعاطف معه، ومع مواقفه وقراراته وقد غدا فتى في العشرين من عمره، إذ لم يتخل الفتى «زيزا» أو «زاي» عن وهج أحلامه الذاتية فلم يكف عن البحث عن معنى لحياته، ونحت مغامراته الشخصية في عالم معاد له، حتى صار ينعت بالمتشرد
واجه «زاي» الأسرة والمدرسين والقساوسة وأصر على اتباع حلمه والبحث عن سعادته. إنها قصة مؤثرة من أبدع كتابات جوزيه ماورو التي قلما نجد لها نظيرا من حيث فتنة القراء بها واهتمام النقاد بطرافتها الفنية لأنها، بكل بساطة، تمس المشترك الإنسان: الحب والحلم
عن الكاتب : خوسيه ماورو دي فاسكونسيلوس ؛ كاتِب مُتخصِّص في أدب الأطفال، سيناريست وروائي برازيلي
Name : Let’s Wake The Sun Up Novel
Author : Jose Mauro
Publishing Date : 1974
Genre : Classic
Pages Number : 396
About The Novel : Ziza, a six-year-old boy afflicted with a raging tenderness flowing from simple things around him, overlooking the world of adults with his dreams that rise from his wonderful orange tree, confusing their rules, searching for them with a tender hand and if it was an illusion that shivers on the page of a lonely river, here he is far from his family At eleven, he’s single, nostalgic, neat, clean and cold from loneliness, tied like a chord between middle school and piano lessons. What weight could a world like this weigh on the shoulders of a child slipping into adolescence bearing memories of dusty streets, alleys and scorching warmth that swirling around where poverty dwells? How does this boy feel when he has come to live in the house of a wealthy new family, in which he has transformed from a blue devil to an obedient angel? Does he remain that way, when his new heart has begun to speak to him from within, illuminate his solitude with the same flame of dreams, and to fight his little battles, right up to the first sting of love?
About The Writer : Jose Mauro de Vasconcelos; Child literature writer, screenwriter and Brazilian novelist
Subject : This novel is like the sociology of education for young people, and its beauty is that it takes you to understand the sensitivity of the treatment, ideas and feelings of pre-young children, especially those who live under the suffering of adaptation and adaptation to the reality that adults see as inevitable, and as a result, behaviors may not be as expected.
This novel is considered the second part in the Ziza trilogy after the first novel : My sweet orange tree that you can find in my store. As for the third part : Crazy , it has not been translated yet.