الاسم : كتاب الفتاة الأخيرة
تاريخ النشر : 2017
عن الكتاب : ” الفتاة الأخيرة ” / نادية مراد. ( قصتي في الأسر ومعركتي ضد تنظيم داعش ) في مذكرات النجاة الحميمة هذه تسرد أسيرة سابقة لدى تنظيم الدولة الاسلامية قصتها المأساوية ، إنما الملهمة في آن واحد. ولدت نادية مراد ونشأت في كوجو ، وهي بلدة صغيرة في شمال العراق يعيش فيها المزارعون والرعاة ، وكانت تعيش حياة هادئة مع عائلتها الكبيرة في مجتمع إيزيدي ، فلا تتعدى أحلامها أن تصبح معلمة تاريخ في مدرسة البلدة أو تفتح صالون التجميل الخاص بها . في الخامس عشر من أغسطس 2014 ، ونادية لم تتخط بعد الحادية والعشرين من عمرها ، انتهت هذه الأحلام ، ارتكب مسلحو داعش مجزرة في بلدتها فقتلوا الرجال ، والنساء اللواتي في سن لا يصلح ليعملن جاريات . وهكذا قتل ستة من إخوة نادية ، وأمها ، ودفنت جثتهم في مقابر جماعية ، ونقلت نادية إلى الموصل ، وأجبرت مع آلاف الفتيات الأيزيديات على الخضوع لداعش ليتم بيعهن في سوق النخاسة . أسرت نادية لدى عدد من المسلحين وتعرضت للاغتصاب والضرب مرّات ، لكنها تمكنت أخيراً من الهرب ، ووجدت ملاذاً لها في منزل عائلة مسلمة سنيّة ، خاطر أحد أبنائها في تهريب نادية كي تبلغ بر الأمان . اليوم ، قصّة نادية – كشاهدة على عنف تنظيم الدولة الاسلامية ، وناجية من الاغتصاب ، ولاجئة ، وأيزيدية ، قد أجبرت العالم على الالتفات إلى هذه الإبادة المتواصلة ، قصتها شاهدة حيّة على إرادة إنسانية تأبى الانكسار ، وعائلة شردتها الحرب ، دعوة إلى دول للتحرك ، وحماية مجتمع يتعرض للإبادة
الموضوع : الفتاة الأخيرة – قصتي في الأسر ومعركتي ضد تنظيم داعش هو كتاب ترجمة ذاتية ألف من قبل نادية مراد، وكانت تحكي وتصف كيف القي القبض عليها وتم استعبادها من قبل تنظيم الدولة الإسلامية خلال الحرب الأهلية العراقية الثانية. الكتاب في نهاية المطاف تسبب بفوز نادية مراد بجائزة نوبل للسلام 2018. وقد كتبت أمل كلوني مقدمته
Name : The Last Girl Book
Author : Nadia Murad
Publishing Date : 2017
Genre : Biography
Pages Number : 400
About The Book : “The last girl” / Nadia Murad. (My story in captivity and my battle against ISIS) In these intimate life memoirs, a former captive of the Islamic State tells her tragic, yet inspiring, story. Nadia Murad was born and raised in Kujo, a small town in northern Iraq where farmers and herders live, and she has lived a quiet life with her extended family in the Yazidi community. Her dreams are no longer than to become a history teacher at the township school or open her beauty salon. On the fifteenth of August 2014, and Nadia did not exceed twenty-one years of age, these dreams ended, ISIS militants committed a massacre in her town, killing the men, and women of an age not fit to work as maid. Thus, six of Nadia’s brothers and her mother were killed, their body was buried in mass graves, Nadia was transferred to Mosul, and she was forced with thousands of Yazidi girls to submit to ISIS to be sold in the slave market. Nadia was captured by a number of gunmen and was raped and beaten repeatedly, but she finally managed to escape, and found sanctuary in the home of a Sunni Muslim family, one of her sons risked smuggling Nadia in order to reach safety. Today, Nadia’s story – as a witness to the Islamic State’s violence, surviving rape, refugee, and Yazidis, has forced the world to pay attention to this continuing genocide, her story is a living witness to a human-will that refuses to be broken, a family displaced by war, a call for countries to move on and help , and protect a society Subjected to extermination
About The Writer : Nadia Murad Basi Taha (1993) is an Iraqi Yezidi activist from the village of Kojo in the Sinjar district, who was chosen in 2016 as the United Nations Goodwill Ambassador. She won the Nobel Peace Prize on October 5, 2018
Nadia was one of the victims of ISIS, which he took to be a captive after he managed to occupy her area and killed her family in the village, including her mother and six of her brothers, but after a while she managed to escape from ISIS’s grip to a safe destination before being transferred to Germany to receive treatment from the physical and psychological harm that He was subjected to ISIS, including sexual rape, violence and all forms of abuse. She later appeared in several television interviews and diplomatic meetings, including her important meeting with the United Nations Security Council, then she also visited Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi, and then Sheikh Al-Azhar Ahmed Al-Tayeb in December 2015, as she appeared in several media channels in Egypt, including Cairo channel with Amr Adeeb And the Al-Baghdadiya channel with Anwar Al-Hamdani on the program of Ninth Studio and told the story of her kidnapping by the organization there, after that she also met with the President of Greece Prokopis Pavlopoulos accompanied by Aoun Hussein Al-Khashlouk, director of Al-Baghdadiya channel. She visited Israel in 2017, when she demanded that the Knesset cherish recognize the extermination that Yezidis and Kurds exposured to in Iraq, which led to criticism.
Subject : The last girl – My story in captivity and my battle against ISIS is a self-translation book written by Nadia Murad, and she was telling and describing how she was arrested and enslaved by the Islamic State during the second Iraqi civil war. The book ultimately caused Nadia Murad to win the Nobel Peace Prize 2018. Amal Clooney wrote his introduction