الاسم : كتاب إمبراطور المآسي – سيرة للسرطان
تاريخ النشر : 2010
عن الرواية : لا يجعل موكرجي من العلم مفهوماً فحسب بل مثيراً ومشوقاً أيضاً. قصة مثيرة للمشاعر، تشدك إلى القراءة، وترفع من معنوياتك بشكل مذهل
أوبرا وينفري
عن الكاتب : طبيب أورام وعالم أحياء ومؤلف هندي أمريكي، عُرف بكتابه الأشهر “إمبراطور المآسي: سيرة سرطان” والذي فاز بالعديد من الجوائز أهمها جائزة البوليتزر لعام 2011، كما أنه صُنف كواحد من أهم 100 كتاب القرن السابق
Name : The Emperor of All Maladies Book
Author : Siddhartha Mukherjee
Publishing Date : 2010
Genre : Biography
Pages Number : 584
About The Novel : Mukerji not only makes science comprehensible but also exciting and interesting. A heart-warming story that draws you into reading and amazingly lifts your spirits
Oprah Winfrey
About The Writer : An Indian-American oncologist, biologist, and author, known for his most famous book “The Emperor of Tragedies: A Cancer Biography”, which won many awards, the most important of which is the Pulitzer Prize for the year 2011, and was ranked as one of the 100 most important writers of the previous century
Subject : “The Emperor of Tragedies” is a fascinating, human, and profound book, which is a biography of cancer since its first documentation thousands of years ago and the legendary battles that took place in the twentieth century to control it, to an authentic understanding of the essence of this disease. The book deals with the story of cancer, as a story about human ingenuity, resilience, survival, and perseverance, as well as their arrogance, bullying, misunderstanding and appreciation. Mukerji tells us the story of decades of discoveries, setbacks, victories and much death, through the observations of his predecessors and peers and their attempts to train their ability to deal in the face of a fierce opponent whose ability to expand and survive. An engaging, fascinating book, essential to read, provides an exceptional insight into the future of cancer treatments. An enlightening book that gives hope and clarity of vision to all who seek to understand this disease. The book “The Emperor of Tragedies” has reached the final list for the National Book Award in the Critics Circle, and the final list for the Los Angeles Book Award, and won the “Better Life” award.