الاسم : كتاب الأحلام
المؤلف : د.مصطفى محمود
تاريخ النشر : 1961
عن الكتاب : تحرص دار المعارف دائما على تقديم الأعمال الكاملة لكبار المفكرين والأدباء. والدكتور مصطفى محمود واحد من هؤلاء الذين أخلصوا للقلم.. فأقرى ساحة الفكر والعلم.. وطَرَقَ أبواباً جديدة لم تفتح من قبل.. فتنوع إنتاجه بين القصةوالرواية والمسرحية وأدب الرحلات.. إلى جانب تلك المؤلفات التى تحفل بالنظرات المعاصرة للفكر الدينى والمقارنه بالنظرات العلمية الحديثه.. والتى لا تزال تثير مزيداً من الجدل المفيد
وقد امتد تأثير فكر الدطتور مصطفى محمود إلى القراء العرب من الخليج إلى المحيط كما ترجمت بعض أعماله إلى اللغات الأجنبية شاهده بقدرته على العطاء المتميز المتنوع
عن الكاتب : مصطفى محمود (27 ديسمبر 1921 – 31 أكتوبر 2009)، فيلسوف وطبيب وكاتب مصري. هو مصطفى كمال محمود حسين آل محفوظ، من الأشراف وينتهي نسبه إلى علي زين العابدين. توفي والده عام 1939 بعد سنوات من الشلل، درس الطب وتخرج عام 1953 وتخصَّص في الأمراض الصدرية، ولكنه تفرغ للكتابة والبحث عام 1960. تزوج عام 1961 وانتهى الزواج بالطلاق عام 1973. رزق بولدين هما “أمل” و”أدهم”. تزوج ثانية عام 1983 من السيدة زينب حمدي وانتهى هذا الزواج أيضا بالطلاق عام 1987
Name : The Dreams Book
Author : Dr.Mustafa Mahmoud
Publishing Date : 1961
Genre : Philosophy
Pages Number : 206
About The Book : Dar Al-Maaref is always keen on presenting the complete works of great thinkers and writers. And Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud is one of those who were loyal to the pen .. He reads the field of thought and science .. He knocked on new doors that were not opened before .. His production varied between story, novel, play, and travel literature … besides those books that celebrate contemporary views of religious thought and compare to modern scientific views. Which still raises more useful controversy.
The influence of the thought of Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud has spread to Arab readers from the Gulf to the ocean, and some of his works have been translated into foreign languages,witness of his ability in giving Featurely and diversely
About The Writer : Mostafa Mahmoud (December 27, 1921 – October 31, 2009), Egyptian philosopher, physician, and writer. He is Mustafa Kemal Mahmoud Hussein Al Mahfouz, from Al-Ashraf and ends with his lineage to Ali Zain Al-Abidin. His father died in 1939 after years of paralysis, he studied medicine and graduated in 1953 and specialized in chest diseases, but he devoted himself to writing and research in 1960. He married in 1961 and the marriage ended in divorce in 1973. Two children, Amal and Adham, were born. He remarried in 1983 to Mrs. Zainab Hamdi, and this marriage also ended in divorce in 1987
He wrote 89 books, including scientific, religious, philosophical, social and political books, in addition to tales, plays and excursions, and his style is attractive with depth and simplicity.
Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud presented more than 400 episodes of his famous TV program (Science and Faith), and in 1979 he established his mosque in Cairo, known as the “Mustafa Mahmoud Mosque”. He is affiliated with three medical centers that are concerned with the treatment of people with low incomes, and many Egyptians go to because of their medical reputation, and he formed convoys of mercy from sixteen doctors, and the center includes four astronomical observatories and a museum of geology, on which specialized professors depend. The museum includes a group of granite rocks, butterflies stuffed with various forms and some marine creatures, and the correct name of the mosque is “Mahmoud” and he called it the name of his father
Subject : The Book of Dreams is a book written by Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud who talks about dreams, their philosophy and some of their theories of psychology, and the difference between dream and illusion