الاسم : كتاب على هذه الأرض ما يستحق الحياة
النوع الأدبي : شعر
عن الكاتب : محمود درويش، أحد أهم الشعراء الفلسطينيين والعرب والعالميين الذين ارتبط اسمهم بشعر الثورة والوطن. يعتبر درويش أحد أبرز من ساهم بتطوير الشعر العربي الحديث وإدخال الرمزية فيه. في شعر درويش يمتزج الحب بالوطن بالحبيبة الأنثى. قام بكتابة وثيقة إعلان الاستقلال الفلسطيني التي تم إعلانها في الجزائر
Name : On This Earth Something Worth To Live Book
Author : Mahmoud Darwish
Publishing Date : 2008
Genre : Poetry
Pages Number : 535
About The Writer : Mahmoud Darwish, one of the most important Palestinian, Arab and international poets whose name is associated with the poetry of the revolution and the homeland. Darwish is considered one of the most prominent contributors to developing modern Arabic poetry and introducing symbolism into it. In Darwish’s poetry, love and home are mixed with a female sweetheart. He wrote the Palestinian Declaration of Independence document that was declared in Algeria
Subject : Poetic selections from Mahmoud Darwish, in Mahmoud Darwish’s poetry, are major signs that indicate the reader the development of his poetic experience and his cultural, intellectual, emotional and political maturity, and his ability, creatively, to transform the individual and the personality, in his life and the lives of Palestinians, into a great collective experience that illuminates the Palestinian cause and puts it forward In the consciousness of contemporary Arabs as in the conscience and consciousness of the world, in his journey from “I am an Arab record”, which was his cry to express the Palestinian-Arab identity that the Zionist movement and the Hebrew state sought to erase, to his poems that he wrote in his last days, we find an upward curve. In general, this rich poetic experience has become, year after year, a shining indication of the name of Palestine, its tragedy, its resistance and its transformation into a major humanitarian issue. Based on this perception, which does not overlook the early stages of Mahmoud Darwish’s poetic experience, I worked on this anthology. I have chosen poems from all of his collections to highlight his poetic development, the development of his language, topics, thought, political vision, his way of looking at poetry, and his deep understanding of the transformations that the experiences of poets underwent in the world, so that readers can get acquainted with the upward evolutionary curve of a Palestinian Arab poetic experience that is no less important than the experiences of poets. Adults in the world. Fakhry Saleh