الاسم : رواية ساعي بريد نيرودا
تاريخ النشر : 1985
عن الرواية : أية مفارقة أجمل من لعبة اللغة توحي وتسخر وتمكر؟ لغة هي النسيخ واللباس والرائحة والالتباس. تلتبس عليك الأحداث فلا تعرف ما الواقع وما الخيال وما السحر. وتلتبس عليك الشخوص والشخصيات والأشخاص فتتسائل: من البطل؟ ولا جواب… كلهم أبطال ولا بطل
نحن إزاء رواية علامة في تاريخ الأدب العالمي. علامة تنساب المتعة مع سطورها كخدر الحب في العروق لذلك فهي تكره القارئ العادي وتنشد قارئا شبقا لا ينتهي من الصفحة حتى يستزيد إلى أن يفقد الوعي … أي يسترجعه
Name : Neruda’s Postman Novel
Author : Antonio Skarmeta
Publishing Date : 1985
Genre : Fantasy
Pages Number : 160
About The Novel : What paradox is more beautiful than the language game that suggests, mockery and deceit Language is text, dress, smell and confusion. You are confused by events, so you do not know what reality, fiction, or magic. The characters, personalities, and people confuse you, and you ask: Who is the hero? There is no answer … all of them are heroes, not a hero.
We are about the novel of a mark in the history of world literature. A sign that pleasure flows with its lines, like the numbness of love in the veins, so it hates the ordinary reader and seeks a reader who does not end up on the page until he loses consciousness … that is, he takes it back
About The Writer : Antonio Scarmita is a Chilean writer, born in Antofagasta, Chile, in 1940. He is considered one of the most important Latin American writers, as his works have been translated into several languages. Scarmita achieved great success with his novel The Poet’s Wedding, which resonated well
Subject : It is a novel with a taste of fruit, you start it, and if you are involved in it the limit of pleasure, it affects all your senses and pulls you from your world to its world, so you cannot leave it or leave it free before you read the last sentence .. A novel of few characters with few events can be summarized in the word “Neruda” which is extended On his sick bed, in response to his mailman, “Mario Jiminth,” as he asked him what he was feeling, he answered him with simplicity and depth: “I feel that I am dying. Except for that, there is nothing dangerous.”