الاسم : رواية اسمه أحمد
تاريخ النشر : 2017
عن الرواية : صدح صوتٌ أَلوفٌ، صوتٌ سماويّ، صوتٌ اهتزّتْ له أركان القاعة بكلّ مَنْ فيها من البشر، إنّها أمّي، وقفت شامخة كنخلة، ثابتةً كطود، وعاليةً كرمح، هتفتْ وهي تُلوّح بيمناها كأنّها ألفُ فارسٍ يُثير النّقع في الميدان، وهي تُنادي عليّ: “يا أحمد… يا أحمد…” فانتبه طائر القلب إلى صوتها، إنّها هي، عظيمةٌ بقدر ما في العظمة من معنى، تابعتْ بصوتٍ يهدر والقاعة كلّها تُنصت لكلماتها الخالِدات، حتّى الجدران خشعتْ وهي تُصغي لكبريائها: “ارفعْ رأسك يا أحمد… ارفع راسك يُمّة
عن الكاتب : أيمن العتوم شاعر وروائي أردنيّ ولد في، تلقّى تعليمه الثانوي في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة – إمارة عجمان والتحق بـجامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا الأردنية ليتحصل على بكالوريوس الهندسة المدنية فيها عام 1997 وفي عام 1999 تخرّج في جامعة اليرموك بشهادة بكالوريوس لغة عربية، ثمّ التحق بالجامعة الأردنية ليُكمل مرحلة الدراسات
Name : His Name Ahmad Novel
Author : Ayman El Otoom
Publishing Date : 2017
Genre : Prison Literature
Pages Number : 672
About The Novel : A voice of thousands echoed, a heavenly voice, a voice for which the corners of the hall shook with all of the people in it. She is my mother, and she stood tall like a palm tree, steady as a tree, and high as a spear. … Oh Ahmed … “And the bird of the heart paid attention to her voice, because she is, great as far as its greatness is of meaning. She continued with a roaring voice, and the whole hall listened to her immortal words, even the walls were obedient as she listened to her pride:“ Raise your head, Ahmed … Raise your head my son
About The Writer : Ayman Al-Atoum is a Jordanian poet and novelist born in, received his secondary education in the United Arab Emirates – the Emirate of Ajman and joined the Jordan University of Science and Technology to obtain a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering in it in 1997, and in 1999 he graduated from Yarmouk University with a Bachelor’s degree in Arabic, then joined the University of Jordan to complete the stage Studies
Subject : Ayman Al-Atoum deals with the story of this hero, who decided in the above history to carry out his revenge on his available method, as he fires on a group of Israeli female soldiers in which seven were killed and six others were wounded, a process that came after many flimsy peace treaties between Arabs and Israel, which exposed Ahmed to a harsh trial, during which he was sentenced to life