الاسم : كتاب ميليشيا الإلحاد – مدخل لفهم الإلحاد الجديد
تاريخ النشر : 2014
عن الكتاب : من التداعيات غير المنظورة لحادثة الحادي عشر من سبتمبر أثرها في تحريك مجموعات إلحادية للدعوة والتبشير برؤيتهم الإلحادية، وقد تعارف كثير من المهتمين بالمجال العقدي والديني والفكري في المجتمع الغربي على تسمية هذه الظاهرة الإلحادية “بالإلحاد الجديد”، وهذه الدراسة معنية بالكشف عن بعض الجوانب المتعلقة بهذا النمط الإلحادي الجديد، إذ الدارس للتاريخ العقائدي سيلمس أن للإلحاد شرة وفترة، وأنه يمر على شكل أمواج تعصف بالمجتمع البشري بين الفينة والأخرى، ولكل موجة من تلك الموجات خصائص وسمات تشترك وتختلف مع موجات إلحادية أخرى، ولذا كان من المهم للمختص بالشأن العقدي التعرف على أهم التطورات المستجدة في الخطاب الإلحادي، وتقديم خطاب عقدي قادر على مقاومة هذا المد الإلحادي الجديد، وتحصين أبنائه من الوقوع في شراكه، وهو ما تسعى هذه الورقة الى تقديمه وبيانه
Name : Atheism Militia – An Introduction to Understanding New Atheism Book
Author : Abdallah Al Ajeri
Publishing Date : 2014
Genre : Religious,Philosophical
Pages Number : 240
About The Book : One of the unforeseen repercussions of the September 11 incident is its effect on mobilizing atheist groups to call and preach their atheistic vision. Many of those interested in the doctrinal, religious and intellectual sphere in Western society have known to call this atheist phenomenon “the new atheism”, and this study is concerned with revealing some aspects related to this The new atheistic pattern, as a student of doctrinal history will feel that atheism has an evil and a period, and that it passes in the form of waves that storm human society from time to time, and each of these waves has characteristics and features that share and differ with other atheistic waves, and therefore it was important for the specialist in the doctrinal issue to identify the most important The new developments in the atheistic discourse, and the presentation of a doctrinal discourse capable of resisting this new atheistic tide, and immunizing its children from falling into its traps, which is what this paper seeks to present and explain
About The Writer : Abdullah bin Saleh Al-Ajiri is a Saudi researcher and thinker. He works as director of the Takween Studies and Research Center. Interested in the methodology of Islamic jurisprudence and the doctrines of thought and thought, he has many books, research papers and published articles and has a number of printed books
Subject : The book dealt with the manifestations of new atheism and how soft power in the intellectual war works to attract the minds of Muslim youth towards the abyss, and its most prominent features, characteristics and methods used by its followers to present their vision of the world, and mentioned their most famous personalities and their tireless efforts to fight all ideas that do not support this thought, and shed light on some of their books Some of the problems that these books dealt with, and it is not his intention to address and discuss all aspects of this phenomenon because it is complex and complex and calls for a scientific effort for multiple personalities and from multiple scientific backgrounds that create a kind of important integration in managing this topic