الاسم : رواية وتلك الأيام
تاريخ النشر : 2020
عن الرواية : أهمّ درس تعلمه من التاريخ
أنّ الله سبحانه يُملي للباطل كي يرتفع
/ لأنه يريد له سقوطاً مريعاً
ويُنب الحق على مهل
لأنه يريدُ له وقوفاً راسخاً
قصة موسى وفرعون تتكرر في كل عصر
فالذي كان يتبجح قائلاً : “أنا ربكم الأعلى
غرق على مرأى من الطفل الذي
بكي يوماً في قصره يريد أن يرضع ؟
عن الكاتب : أدهم الشرقاوي كاتب فلسطيني ولد ونشأ في مدينة صور اللبنانية حاصل على دبلوم دار معلمين من الأونيسكو، دبلوم تربية رياضية من الأونيسكو، إجازة في الأدب العربي من الجامعة اللبنانية في بيروت، ماجستير في الأدب العربي
Name : And Those Days Novel
Author : Adham Sharqawi
Publishing Date : 2020
Genre : Religious
Pages Number : 405
About The Novel : The most important lesson he learned from history
That God Almighty dictates the falsehood to rise
/ Because he wants a terrible fall
The truth is reprimanded slowly
Because he wants to stand firm
The story of Moses and Pharaoh is repeated in every era
He who used to brag, saying: “I am your supreme Lord.”
Drowned at the sight of the child who
One day cried in his palace wanting to be breastfed?
About The Writer : Adham El-Sharkawy is a Palestinian writer born and raised in Tire, Lebanon. He holds a diploma in house teachers from UNESCO, a diploma in sports education from UNESCO, a BA in Arabic literature from the Lebanese University in Beirut, and an MA in Arabic literature
Subject : The book (And Those Days) The reader generally relies on the Qur’an verse “and those days are their deliberation among the people” and interprets it in a convincing, logical and systematic manner and linking it to the course of the days of the year in the various times where the Gregorian year consists of (365) days and the writer is singled out for each day separately and mentioned Some of the main events that occurred on that day over the various years, such as the birth and death of personalities that influenced history and contributed to the history of different civilizations in general, whether for good or for evil, such as Hitler, the ignition of the world war, Karl Marx’s doctrine, the interpretation of Bukhari and Ibn Taymiyyah, and the days are not limited to personalities only, but also contain a lot. From the human situations and human errors that affected in general, whether big or small in the days, the thinking and approach of mankind and led to what we are living now.