Why not enjoy an actlvs life?
milllons of peopio throughout tho world have found that JOHNSON’ american
porous plaster brings rellef from nagging locallsed musculer plar
JOHNSON’S Amerlcan porous plastor warms and soothes museutar backache
sllitiness,stralns,lumbago,rheumatism,and pains arising trom extrame changes
in tomperature. over_ oxertion and museular fatigue.
the principal Ingrediont- capsicum- goas to work right away increasing the
blood circulation to the sore part.
before applying JOHNSON’S Amorican porous plaster – the area to be treated
should be washed and thoroughty drted . remove the covering trom the adhesive
slde ol the plaster – place the plaster en the area to be treated and press it gently
untll It adheres to the skin.
1t is sdvisable to removs the plaster at the end of three or four days and replace It
with a second one If necessary . afterromoval bathe the skin with soap and water
and dust with talcum powder.
why nol enjoy an actlve Ille ? you will start to feel better almost as soon as you
put on a JOHNSON’S American porous plaster