150 gram circaea
يستخدم العشرق كحل للكثير من مشاكل الأمعاء فهي تستخدم لتليين المعدة, و تستخدم في حالات الامساك, و كعلاج للعديد من امراض القولون, كما يمكن استخدامها للتخلص من الدهون الزائدة.
Circaea is used as a solution to many intestinal problems, as it is used to lubricate the stomach, and is used in cases of constipation, and as a treatment for many diseases of the colon, and it can also be used to get rid of excess fat.
Handling time: 1-3 business days,
(Items are generally shipped out within 24 hours after payment confirmation (Holidays, Friday excluded)).
Delivery time is up to your locations: Usually you will receive your items within 15-30 days